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Our top 10 TED Talks ever

Written by Tobias Kablitz | July 10, 2017

At 10th place, Simon Sinek discusses how good leaders inspire action. Sinek spent his life trying to convince people to act upon what inspires them. "People do not buy what you do. People buy why you do it."

Watch here ->

10th Place

9th Place

Shawn Achor tells us about the influence of happiness on our work lives – being happy at work is not only a bonus, as the psychologist and best-selling author argues, happiness is also instrumental for productivity! 


8th Place

Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the famous novel “East, Pray, Love”, reflects upon the impossible qualities we expect of artists and geniuses. In this video she speaks about the radical concept that there is no limited number of “geniuses” in the world, but that we all have the potential to possess ‘genius potential’.


7th Place

From the speech "I have a dream" to the iPhone launch of Steve Jobs - great speeches often have a common structure - presentation expert Nancy Duarte gives practical tips to transport your message perfectly to your listeners.


6th Place

Sir Ken Robinson entertainingly criticizes our current school system and motivates with new approaches to the acquisition of knowledge. His main argument lies in his claim that we need more freedom of expression and creativity.

5th Place

In fifth place – What do you know about the world? Hans Rosling and his son Ola Rosling present the results of their survey and explain that most people have a misconception of population, health and income. Let this TED Talk introduce you to the four rules that will help you gain a better understanding of the world around you.


4th Place

Al Gore wants to draw the world's attention to the global climate crisis. In this TED Talk he shows that climate change is already predicting faster than scientists and calls us to act.


3rd Place

Stressful situations are often perceived in a negative manner, more hormones are produced and blood pressure rises: the body switches to alert mode. In this TED Talk Kelly McGonigal wants to draw attention to the fact that thinking about stress is crucial to its impact on the human body. Her message: accept stress – it is helpful for coping with it.


2nd Place

`Creating a lot in the shortest possible time´ is the overriding goal of our society today. Jeff Sutherland believes that every business can optimize its schedule by paying less attention to rules. `Bundling information and creating smaller units´ are the key words. 

1st Place

Through city flags Roman Mars makes clear, how a successful design should look like. The key seems to be as simple as it is ingenious: `the design has to be so simple that even a child could paint it out of its head´. You will find these and many other tips in this TED Talk.